What is WEFTEC you say? Well, it stands for Water Environment Federation's Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference. A mouthful, I know. This year (2024), the conference took place in the one and only, New Orleans, Louisiana, and it was quite the educational experience!
This conference is like no others. Vendors and participants come from all over the globe come to this event. Let me share with you some of the mind bending numbers of this year's event. These numbers are pulled straight from WEFTEC's home page if you care to learn more.
5 days to tour exhibits and connect with industry leaders
Over 21,000 participants from all over the world
1000+ exhibitors - the square footage of the conference was completely sold out.
120+ technical sessions including both classroom sessions and interactive presentations.
17 workshops which were either full or half day tailored learning experiences.
We are always grateful to be able to attend this incredible conference. Education, discovery, and networking with industry leaders in the future of water will continue to help Meinco grow and refine the work we do here in Arkansas.